
8月8日是中國全民健身日,既是對08年北京奧運(yùn)會(huì)的紀(jì)念,也由此激發(fā)更多國人參與體育健身。12年的發(fā)展,中國健身房也呈現(xiàn)出新的趨勢。CGTN(中國國際電視臺(tái))向全球觀眾展示了中國健身場館的新景象。光豬圈健身(Sunpig Fitness)作為國內(nèi)新型場館代表,展示其方便、智能、友好的特色。

August 8 marks National Fitness Day in China. It's an event that was introduced in 2008 to commemorate the Beijing Summer Olympics. Since 2008, a sports craze has spread among people of various age groups across the country. Twelve years on, China's growing interest in fitness activities has led to the rise of a new trend: Smaller, smarter, and more affordable gyms.



27-year-old Liu Ximeng likes to get the most out of her gym membership…

However, she recently decided to forego the luxuries of the spacious, conventional gyms…..with their long-term contracts and expensive membership fees…

…for this more compact arena, which she says gives her everything she needs.

“Fitness coaches in traditional gyms are like sales people. I prefer these smaller gyms, with lower costs, more convenience, and quicker access. It enables me to focus more on my exercise”

Ximeng’s new gym is Internet-based – which enables members to track their exercise and progress using a special app -- and, maybe the best thing, she only needs to commit to one month at a time…




But not all fitness companies can afford such attractive promotions…

The gym’s founder, Liu Lisi, or Lewis, says he doesn’t need to rely on these long-term contracts for financing – because he has worked out an alternative way….

To minimize costs…

“Our fixed cost per gym is relatively low compared to traditional ones, the size of a gym squeezed to 10 times smaller, then rental and equipment expenses drops ten times…Moreover, manpower cost also reduced by two thirds, so that’s why we don’t need so much cashflow and could afford attracting my customers with short-term memberships with easier access”

Using this model, Sunpig has opened 200 gyms around the country, attracting over 400-thousand users…



“There are roughly 10 million gym users in China. A high number on the face of it, yet it’s just a tiny one percent of the country’s population. Compare that with the United States, where one in five people use a gym, so it seems there’s much room for growth in China’s fitness industry…But will these internet-based, small, and innovative gyms beat the more conventional variety into the space?”




I took that question to Miss Li Hong, the founder of 1898 Venture Capital, who believes such small gym franchises can be a Black Horse, and are well-positioned to ride the wave of the rising interest in fitness in China…

“I think it’s very likely we’ll see a unicorn company in the Internet-based gym franchise industry in the near future, as they not only offer users more convenient experiences but also cater to people’s communal desires. But without windfall profits, companies have to expand to a certain scale first to be sustainable”

Miss Hong went on to say that although the conventional big gyms won’t be completely replaced by the smaller ones, they also need to upgrade their services to survive in the future…

But perhaps one thing is certain… there’ll be a wide variety of options for customers who want to live a healthier lifestyle in the future.

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